Sunday, April 3, 2011


Welcome to CardiAction Detroit! CardiAction is a non-profit organization developed with the goal of improving the quality of CPR that is administered by both healthcare professionals and the general public to cardiac arrest patients in Detroit. This site highlights the most important aspects of CPR and gives some background physiology to explain the reasons why these steps are so critical. This information is a supplement to the 2010 Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life Support guidelines published by the American Heart Association.

There are very few medical emergencies as dramatic and time-sensitive as cardiac arrest, and there are few other opportunities as members of the medical community and Detroit at large to make such a meaningful impact on lives outside of the hospital. Quick action and good technique truly do make the difference between life and death.

This site is published as a blog in order to provide you the opportunity to comment, respond, or provide additional resources for other readers. Ideally, this space will serve as a resource for our community to refer healthcare professionals and interested members of our community to improve CPR, and your input will make that happen.

Thank you for visiting, come back often, and please share with your friends and colleagues.

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